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Individual Tax Return Application


Tax Return Application

Select the financial year

Personal Information

7. What is your visa(s) during the financial year selected? Please select all applicable.

9. Your bank details

Income Sources

10. Which types of income source did you receive during the financial year selected? Please select all applicable.
11. What was your marital status and how many dependant children did you have during the financial year? Select all applicable.
12. Do you have a private health insurance cover?


13. Do you have a work related car expense?
Select a work related car expense method.

Attach Files 

Please note that without file attachments, there may be a delay in processing your tax return.

Upload File (ID)
Upload File (Visa grant letter)
Upload File (Visa grant letter) - additional
Upload File (Supporting document)
Upload File (Supporting document) - additional
Upload File (Supporting document) - additional

Next Step:

We aim to respond to your inquiry within 24 business hours via email if all information is provided. However, the length of time to respond may vary depending on complexity of your circumstances. For any immediate questions or concerns, please feel free to reach us via live chat or email at, Kakao ID: barontax, or Whatsapp ID: 0450468318.

Thank you for submitting. We received your request!

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